Class 6
Year 2
Year 2 is a year where children are working towards their end of Key Stage outcomes and preparing for their move to Junior School. Nurture is a key element in our school and especially important in Year 2 where children can sometimes worry about the transition to a new school and what it entails.
In Year 2, we are a great team. As teachers, we plan for all the children to have a wide range of meaningful learning experiences and with high quality teaching assistants, the children are supported and encouraged to achieve their full potential. We encourage the children to become independent learners and take responsibility for their own learning.
Reading and books are an important part of every day in Class 6. Children practise reading, share reading with friends and choose from a variety of books during BEAR sessions (Be Excited About Reading). Becoming confident, independent readers enables them to access learning in every other area. The children will also be read to every day so they can experience a wide range of books that they perhaps couldn’t read themselves.
Every child in Class 6 is valued and we spend time every day talking to the children about their emotions. We have an ‘Zones of Regulation’ board and help children to understand why they may be feeling a particular way and help them to learn to resolve small problems themselves.
What are we learning?
Explore what ideas, topics and vocabulary our class will be exploring each half term.
Many children are fluent readers as they join year 2 but the focus is to support their comprehension skills, are they actually understanding what they are reading? Can they find answers to questions drawing from the text, can they make inferences based on what they have read? Can they pick out key vocabulary and describe its effect on the reader etc.
In Class 6 we work hard but have lots of fun too!
In year 2, children draw on their understanding of number and concepts to solve number and word problems. This requires a deeper level of thinking and children are required to justify their responses and explain their reasoning.
Children learn to handwrite legibly and some children will start to join their letters. Sentence structure and content is a focus. Children are expected to extend their sentences incorporating more detail, language and vocabulary in to their writing.
Meet our teachers
Mrs Milner
Mrs Vousden
Welcome to class 6, I am Mrs Milner and I teach Monday - Thursday, with Mrs Vousden teaching on a Friday. When I was a little girl, I only ever wanted to be a teacher, always playing with my dolls and teddies and making my little sister sit down while I took a register, so I feel very lucky to be here today. I attended Edge Hill university, specialising in Primary education and History and graduating in 2006. I have worked in lots of different schools over the last 16 years and joined Netherton (my favourite school!) last year in 2021. Last year I worked across 3 different classes, which meant I got to know lots of our lovely children. Year 2 is my absolute favourite year group to teach so when Mrs Barker said I would be teaching Year 2, I was really excited!
I have a real love of Maths and have been working alongside Mrs Lodge updating our Maths curriculum. Hopefully imparting my love on to the children in fun interactive lessons, as well as imbedding their mathematical knowledge.
Outside of school, I am a mum to 2 children and the children will often hear about them in class, especially if we are writing about our school holidays! We are always very busy and we love being outside in our local woods or, when we get chance, the beach! I love reading and often have a stack of books on my bedside table that I am working my way through, it's definitely true that you can never be bored if you have a good book. I think my favourite books are still Harry Potter. I regularly reread them and I'm still quite upset I didn't get my Hogwarts letter when I was 11!
Hi, I’m Mrs Vousden. My aspirations in terms of a prospective career have always been in education. I vividly remember playing schools constantly when I was a child, with my dolls and teddies being the perfect pupils. Teaching to me is the prospect of stimulating the minds of young individuals and becoming an influential figure in their lives. After gaining a First Class degree and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, I have gone on to teach for 16 years. My passion for teaching and interest in the international perspectives of education, took me overseas to teach in New Zealand and Australia. I thoroughly enjoyed my time overseas and learned so much from it. Most of my teaching experience is in the Foundation Stage and KS1, therefore, a large part of my career has been spent teaching children to read. I have a passion for reading and I truly believe that once a child learns to read it opens many doors. I have held various roles in school, however when my children were born I decided to step back from senior roles and work part-time to balance my family life. It was at this time when I came to work at Netherton. After teaching in various schools over the years Netherton definitely has a unique feeling of nurture, for children and staff alike. At home I have a husband and two very energetic boys that keep me on my toes. I love to travel, read and be outside whatever the weather.
Our Big Six - books we return to over and over
The Bog Baby
Jeanne Willis and Gwen Millward
When two small sisters go fishing to the magic pond, they find something much better than a frog or a newt. They find a bog baby.
There's a Snake in my School
David Walliams
Miranda loves to be different, and on Bring-your-pet-to-school Day she introduces everyone to her very DIFFERENT pet… Penelope the snake
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book
Lauren Child
Now if you were going to fall into a book, a book of fairy tales would probably not be your first choice. Because in every story there is always a wicked this, an evil that or a hungry somebody. It could only happen to Herb, child star of that thrilling tale, Beware of the Storybook Wolves
The Wonder
Faye Hanson
This is a story about a boy whose head is always full of wonder. We follow him on an average-seeming school day, where his daydreams transform the world around him. Unfortunately lots of other people - the park keeper, the bus driver, the lollipop lady - all tell him to get his head out of the clouds. It is only in art class that he realises he can bring the wonder out of his head for the whole world to enjoy.
The Koala Who Could
In a wonderful place, at the breaking of dawn, where the breezes were soft and the sunshine was warm, a place where the creatures ran wild and played free ... A Koala called Kevin clung to a tree.
The Trouble With Dragons
The world is populated by some beastly dragons who care nothing for how much they pollute the oceans, chop down the trees, gobble up all the food and use everything up without stopping to think. Those dragons need to wake up to what they are doing to their world before it is too late