SEND Provision
All children at our school get the support they need to learn, play and have fun together. For some children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), this might mean some extra help or resources are needed.
When organising additional support, it is very important that we provide children who have Special Educational Needs with a broad and balanced curriculum, including regular access to all subjects and areas of learning. We believe that children with Special Educational Needs should not be routinely segregated from their class teachers and peers but included as much as possible within their class.
Our policy is intended to reflect the practice and aspirations of the whole school and reinforce its commitment to supporting pupils who have special educational needs. It is designed to be a working reference document as well as a statement of intent. It is accessible to all members of the school community.
Local Offer
Kirklees SEND Local Offer - Information, support, services and activities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Kirklees.
Understanding Autism
They say it takes a village to raise a child. That’s especially true for parents of autistic children. Finding a community of not just medical experts, but people who intimately understand the unique challenges of parenting an autistic child can make all the difference. Click below to see some of the most helpful autism blogs and also an information leaflet about understand the spectrum of autism.
KIAS (Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service)
The service offers free, impartial information, advice and support relating to a child or young person’s Special Educational Needs and/or disability and is available to anybody living within the Kirklees area.
Tel: 0300 330 1504
Our SENDCo is Gill Lodge
Gill is rebeginning her SENDco journey this year and has a over 25 years of teaching experience in supporting children and families. She is hear to listen to concerns and help support with special needs; from identifying and assessing needs to getting the support they need to thrive. If you have worries or concerns, please get in touch.
Please contact Gill at Sendco@netherton.tlt.school