Results and Reports
We’re really proud of our school, both in the progress our children make here, and in the environment and culture we have at Netherton. This page offers some key data and evidence to help you compare our school. It also explains what to expect from the key assessments you will come accross whilst your children are at our school.
Many parents are keen to see how we are performing in relation to other schools. The Department for Education (DfE) Performance Tables provide a reliable and accessible source of comparative information on pupil attainment and progress, absence, workforce and finance. The Performance Tables include percentages of attainment, scaled scores and progress in each subject. You can find the School Performance Tables from the DfE by clicking the link to the right.
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Our Ofsted report is ‘Good’
Our last Ofsted inspection took place in January 2024 and we remained a ‘Good’ school.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted regulate and inspect schools and colleges to seek improvement in the service. They carry out large number of inspections and regulatory visits in England and publish their findings on their website.
“Pupils learn about keeping safe and how to be kind and respectful to others. Pupils say the school helps them learn about how to be a better person. ”
We love Little Wandle phonics!
Children are screened in phonics during Year 1. This is not a formal test, but an assessment used by the teacher to check that children are making sufficient progress in learning to read. It is not a stressful situation as it is done in class by the child’s teacher and similar to the phonics learning in class.
Children need to retake the test in Year 2 should they not pass in Year 1.
Year 2 Phonics Screening Check retake 2024
% of Year 2 children reaching the expected standard
Children in Year 1 took their PSC in June 2024.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check June 2024
% of Year 1 children reaching the expected standard