School governors have a varied and important role. The governor role is strategic rather than operational. Governors don’t get involved with the day to day running of a school, instead they support and challenge the school’s leadership team to drive school improvement.
Governors usually attend around 6 meetings a year. Being a school governor is a commitment and a responsibility, but offers you the chance to see first-hand the impact you can make in improving education for children in your community.
Key documents
Meet our Co-Chairs
Julia Stocks and Sarah Shorrock are the co-chairs of the Governing Body.
Julia has been a governor for about 10 years. She is currently has responsibility for overseeing the support for pupils with SEND or those in other vulnerable groups. Her own three children have benefitted from passing through Netherton Infant and Nursery School. Julia is a primary school teacher with a desire to improve the opportunities and educational outcomes of our young people. She enjoys gardening particularly when the sun is shining.
Sarah is our recently appointed co-chair of governors and safeguarding link governor, having been on the Local Governing Committee since 2019. She is a parent as well as former pupil at Netherton Infant & Nursery School and looks back fondly on her days in school. She works as solicitor and is passionate about promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys running (but not very fast or far)!
Sarah Shorrock, Co-Chair of Governors
Julia Stocks, Co-Chair of Governors
Our Governing Body 2024-2025
Name | Type of Governor | Start Date | End Date | Declaration of Pecuniary Interest |
Julia Stocks | Co-opted/ Co- Chair | 01.04.2022 | 31.03.2026 | Teacher at Meltham CE Primary School |
Sarah Shorrock | Co-opted/ Co-Chair | 17.10.2023 | 16.10.2027 | Netherton Cottage Homes - Trustee |
Donna Ramsden | Staff Governor | 12.10.2023 | 11.10.2027 | Teacher |
Emma Barker | Headteacher | 01.09.2021 | Husband works at Salendine Nook High School, owns Barkers Brewing Company | |
Stacey Cartwright | Parent Governor/Vice Chair | 17.10.2023 | 16.10.2027 | NHS Healthcare, Chair of FONS (PTA) |
Ronald Christlow | Co-opted | 30.03.2022 | 01.04.2026 | Caretaker & Netherton I&N and Meltham Moor Primary School (TLT) |
Nigel McDonald | Co-opted | 19.03.2024 | 18.03.2028 | Daughter teacher at Netherton I&N School |
Vacancy | Parent Governor | |||
Vacancy | Co-Opted |
Want to get in touch?
If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a school governor yourself, we’d be delighted to hear from you. You can contact our governors via the school office.