Our School Day
Every day at Netherton is filled with fun and learning. Here’s an overview of what a normal school day looks like.
8.50am - Start of the school day. All children enter via the front playground.
10.15am - 10.30am - Year 1 break time
10.30am - 10.45am - Year 2 break time
12pm - 1pm - Lunchtime
3.20pm - End of the school day. Children are collected by their classroom door.
All classes start the day with phonics and reading. Maths and literacy, where possible, are timetabled in the mornings. Two hours of PE are timetable each week in KS1.
This is our timetable on a typical day. It is subject to change occasionally to allow for different learning activities, such as for school trips. We will inform parents/carers of any upcoming events or changes.
From reception onwards, children are expected to attend school from 8.50am-3.20pm, which is 32.5 hours per week. Nursery sessions are flexible.
We offer convenient wrap around childcare from 7.30am until 6pm.