Mental Health and Wellbeing
Just like everyone has a body, everyone has mental health. It’s not just about mental illness. When children have good levels of wellbeing it helps them to learn and explore the world, feel, express and manage positive and negative emotions and form and maintain good relationships.
At Netherton Infant and Nursery school we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of all our pupils, staff and parents. Nurture is at the heart of all that we do and we understand that good mental health facilitates growth, development and achievement. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times anyone may need additional emotional support.
What is mental health?
Emotional wellbeing can be described as:
“‘A positive state of mind and body, feeling safe and able to cope, with a sense of connection with people, communities and the wider environment’”
How do we promote a mentally healthy environment in our school?
Promoting our school values of friendship, Respect and achievement and encouraging a sense of belonging to a school and the wider community.
Promoting pupil voice and opportunities to participate in decision-making
Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements.
Having yoga sessions built into the PE curriculum
Following the ‘Laughology Happy Centred School Programme’ for teaching PSHE.
Access to appropriate support that meets their needs.
Weekly Forest school Sessions for targeted children.
Meet our Mental Health Lead
My name is Kat Murphy and I am the Mental Health Lead, (MHL), here at Netherton Infant and Nursery School. I am passionate about promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in our school, for our children, staff, parents and carers. I am a mental health first aider and will be carrying out the Mental Health Senior Lead training in the future.
Resources for families
Young Minds Parents Helpline
Charity offering information, resources and a free confidential helpline for any adult who has concerns about the mental health of a child or young person. 0808802554
The Anxious Child
A booklet for parents wanting to know more about anxiety in children and young people. Produced by The Mental Health Foundation
A free helpline for children, staffed by qualified counsellors. Call for free, or chat online 1-2-1.
Helpline: 0800 1111
Kirklees Mental Health Links
These resources were created by Kirklees Business Solutions service providers to support your pupils' mental health and wellbeing
Night Owls
A new overnight listening and advice service for children and young people experiencing a mental health crisis has launched.
Night OWLS is a confidential support line for children and young people in crisis. Helping them and their parents and carers.
The service is available 8pm – 8am every day.
Thriving Kirklees
Understanding Your Child
Learn more about how to be the best parent, grand-parent or carer you can be through a free online course.
Why do I worry?
Download this child-friendly PDF booklet to help with worries.
Lots of practical and positive ideas to use at home.
Worried about a child?
For support, advice or just an informal chat please contact Mrs Jenny Gurden (Mental Health Lead) via our school office.
If you are worried for the safety of a child, our Safeguarding page has information on what to do.