Personal, Social & Health Education
Happy children, who are having fun, achieve more.
Our PSHE teaching and learning experiences are taught using Laughology: Happy-Centred Schools programme of study. It suits our pupils, school and community, because it dovetails our school ethos, aims and our pupils’ needs.
It’s about more than having fun, but providing opportunities to develop the key themes and skills which underlie happiness during childhood and throughout life: support, confidence, coping skills, positive relationships, achievement and success. It has a positive impact on children’s wellbeing and also their wider learning and success.
The HAPPY-CENTRED® SCHOOL programme (HCS) is an evidence-based ‘added extra’ to learning that will help enhance the wellbeing of our school and the wider learning community. It promotes happiness values researched by LAUGHOLOGY™* to help children and staff enhance learning ability and flourish. The programme is designed for all children. It gives them the skills needed to stay positive, motivated and to believe in their abilities. The programme is flexible, easy to use and, most importantly, it is fun. Happy children learn more easily and are more engaged with school life. Using resources designed for and by teachers and children, it helps enhance life skills. PSHE is fundamental in supporting the development of motivated, enthusiastic and happy learners throughout EYFS and Key Stage 1.
The programme is designed to increase opportunities for children, to develop their personal, social, emotional and economic skills and work to achieve and/or maintain good mental health.