Welcome to Netherton Infant & Nursery School
We are a caring and friendly school, with high expectations for every learner. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school with any queries you may have.
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The juggle is real.
Take the stress out of busy family life with our fantastic, affordable on site childcare. Wrap around care, daily from 7.30am-6pm.
Contact our school office to ask about a place.
Try our new ‘Mini Wrap’. Play tiLl 4pm for just £5
Get in touch
Are you interested in a place at Netherton? Would you like to learn more about our school? Get in touch and Mrs Helen Need or Mrs Kat Murphy in our school office will get back to you.
For all absences please email absence@netherton.tlt.school
For out of school club queries, bookings or cancellations please email wraparound@netherton.tlt.school
Netherton Moor Road
West Yorkshire
Headteacher: Emma Barker
SENDCo: Gill Lodge
Not sure who to contact? Read our Communications Plan.

Bright beginnings
start here.
Places available for children aged 3-4 in our vibrant, caring nursery.